listening to God

Help Your Children to Freedom

What makes your child anxious or afraid? What causes her to withdraw or lash out? What moves him to disobey or feel like he doesn’t measure up?

If you’re looking for some tips for helping your children break free from the strongholds and lie-thoughts that distress them, take a look at the special section for parents in the back of OUT YOU GO, FEAR!

This Pure-As-Gold Seal children’s book for ages 4-8 about a fearful but eventually brave boy who lets Truth and faith triumph over the lies that lead him to panic.

(For a little extra fun, let your children find the hidden MoreThanAConqueror warrior on each page.)

For this and other pure, Truth-packed books for children of all ages, and parents too, visit

Journey with a little boy from panic to peaceful sleep in this children’s book for ages 4-8 with steps to freedom from fear. Parents will find helpful tips in the back to lead their children to listen to God and break free from strongholds.
Out You Go, Fear! by Mikaela Vincent
Books that make a difference in the lives of those you care about.

5 Fun Worship Ideas during Quarantine

This lockdown is a perfect opportunity for the whole family to draw closer to the Lord through worship. Create your own playlist, or stream from playlists already available on music sources like Spotify or YouTube. (Leave a comment sharing your favorites, so we can get some new ideas!)

Begin the family worship time with prayer, inviting God to fill the room with His presence and angels, to block out distractions, and to show you anything He wants to show you. Encourage your children to personally invite God to speak to their hearts. Here are some of our family’s favorite ways to draw near to God in worship, as the music plays:

  1. PAINT. Pull out colored pencils or watercolors, so they can draw and paint in their journal what God is showing them.
  2. SOAK. Throw pillows and blankets around the room, and invite your children to pick a place to get comfortable and close their eyes, as the words and music wash over them. Invite them to ask Jesus to take them anywhere He wants to take them and show them anything He wants to show them. (Almost every time we do this, someone falls asleep. Don’t let that worry you. That means they’re at peace. Besides, Jesus just might meet them in a dream!)
  3. EXPRESS YOUR LOVE. Invite them to sing, use hand motions, dance, kneel, or express worship to the Lord in whatever way they like. Encourage them to pick a position to be still in, as well, so they can listen to what God wants to say in response to their worship.
  4. INTERCEDE. Pray for the lost, for the nations, for your neighbors, siblings, friends, etc., as the music plays. You can spread a map of the world on the floor, so each person can lay hands on the countries they’re praying for. Or you can give out notecards to write someone’s name on one side, and a prayer for that person on the other.
  5. JOURNAL. Urge your kids to write in their journals what they feel God speaking to their hearts as the music plays. Suggest they ask Jesus questions (like, “Jesus, when You look at me, what do You see?”) and listen for His answers. Place Bibles around the room, so they can look up verses that come to mind.

Then, share with each other what God showed you. (Here’s a free guide to knowing God’s voice, if you need one to help with that discussion.)

All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the Lord; and all the families of the nations shall worship before Him.

Psalm 22:27 RSV

Give your child opportunities to listen to God-Out You Go Fear-Mikaela Vincent-MoreThanAConquerorBooks
If you’d like to help your children recognize God’s voice and overcome lies with truth, try Out You Go, Fear! by Mikaela Vincent. There are tips for parents in the back to help children to freedom. For more books for children, tweens, and teens to help them listen to God, follow His lead, and love others well, visit,

What did God show your children during your worship time together? Feel free to comment below.

Archives, Christmas

Building memories that last


Welcome to Kingdom Culture Parenting!

This is the first blog on this new website devoted to parents who desire to raise up our children to walk as one with Christ and others (an off-shoot of our Facebook group by the same name). I hope you’ll feel excited and encouraged. Please feel free to share this website with others you know will be blessed.

It’s easy to get caught up in all the activity of the Christmas season, and miss out on the greater things God has planned for your family.

So, before your schedule runs away with you, STOP. Get alone with the Lord, or gather together as a family, and pray, “Lord, what do You want to do this Christmas?” Lay before Him all the events on your schedule in the coming weeks, and ask Him, “Which of these do YOU want us involved in, and how? What plans are we making that are not in Your plans for us?”

Surrender opens up the way for miracles, for joy that only comes through walking in the Spirit, and for the greater, deeper, God-things you and your children were created for.

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Our family serves the Lord in a dark part of the world where few have heard of Christ, and where Christmas isn’t really celebrated. One year, the snow fell so heavily that those who worked on the streets crowded inside to get warm. As we shared God’s love with them, more than 50 came to Christ! What an exciting way for our children to see what it truly means that Jesus is the Light of the World.

Christmas decorations are also a great door-opener for the Gospel, as people ask about the nativity scene, the lights, the ornaments…. We make new ornaments every year featuring the truths God has taught us, and miracles He’s done for our family, so we can remember those stories every year, and share them with those who come into our home.

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One year, our children prayed for God to lead them as they picked out some of their like-new toys, and wrapped them up. Then we took them to an orphanage, where the children wouldn’t have celebrated Christmas otherwise. As our kids played with the children, they asked the Lord which gift was for which child. Then they handed out the presents to those God showed them. What joy on the faces of those children! And what a way for God to lead out in building love and kindness in our children’s hearts.

You may not have those specific opportunities near you like we do, but here are some ideas to pray about:

  • Are there internationals or other lost people in your neighborhood you can invite over, who may not have experienced a Christian celebration of Christmas?
  • Is there a homeless shelter, or a poor neighborhood you can visit with food and presents for the children?
  • Are there singles far from home, or someone else you know who doesn’t have a family to celebrate Christmas with?
  • Is there a nursing home you can visit on your caroling route?
  • Do you have lost family members you can visit for the holidays, or invite to visit you?
  • Are there other ways you can involve your children in shining Christ’s light this Christmas?
  • What presents can you give family members this Christmas that will truly make a difference in their lives? (See some ideas below.)

Ask the Lord. Then step out and obey.

Christmas-So many don't know the true meaning-how will you show them Christ-Mikaela Vincent-MoreThanAConquerorBooks.jpg

If you’re looking for gifts to make a difference in the lives of those you care about, check out the Bible studies, prayer journals, novels, and children’s books on walking in oneness with Christ and others at All proceeds the author receives go to shining Christ’s Light in dark corners of the world where few have heard His name.

24 books in 24 days-Christmas presents-Mikaela Vincent-good books for kids-MoreThanAConquerorBooks.jpgI Want a Horse!-Draw My Own Storybook-Give her the gift of a thankful heart and creative mind-Mikaela Vincent-MoreThanAConquerorBooks.jpg

Chronicles of the Kingdom of Light-Rescue from Darkness-Sands of Surrender-good books for kids-Christmas present-Mikaela Vincent-MoreThanAConquerorBooks.jpgChristmas-Give your child the gift of sleeping in peac-Out You Go Fear-Mikaela Vincent-MoreThanAConquerorBooks.jpg

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