Christmas, love, marriage, prayer

Deepen Our Love

Let’s make this celebration of Christ’s birth memorable because of how we choose to LOVE.

Lord, help us lay down all our grudges, fears, pride and regrets, so we can LOVE, even as You first loved us. Set us free from the things that hold us back from more of You, and give us courage to do what it takes to cut out the distractions and choose You as our First Love. Shine through us this Christmas to those around us. Point out to us the lonely, the hurting, and those in need. Show us ways we can bless. Mend our marriages. Teach us how to love our spouses with Your everlasting love that covers over a multitude of sins. Overcome our failures with Your grace, and let us love one other. Truly.

For Dare to Be a Mighty Warrior, and other resources and books to help you through these trying times, visit

DARE TO BE A MIGHTY WARRIOR – Deep devotional Bible study with 100 practical, tactical, biblical strategies for overcoming the enemy in the battlefield of the mind, and removing the barriers to oneness with Christ and others For more Bible studies, prayer journals, day planners, novels, and other books for all ages on listening to God, following His lead, and breaking free from strongholds, visit Inspirational author Mikaela Vincent. We’re not just about books. We’re about books that make a difference in the lives of those you care about.

For a free guide to knowing God’s voice and great stocking stuffer books to propel your family to deeper depths with Christ, visit


Christmas in the dark

What’s it like to live in a country where celebrating Christmas is forbidden? Where Christians are persecuted? Where millions have never heard about the God Who loves them and gave His Son to die for their sins so they can be free?

I’ll tell you. Because we live there.

For most of the people we pass every day, Christmas is just one more day of the year. They’ll go to work like any other day, sell their wares on the streets, gather up vegetables to take to market, chat about the weather.

You’ll find no decorations in shop windows. No mad rushes to shop for last-minute presents. No fighting over toys. No disputes about whether or not a store can play Christ-centered Christmas carols. No complaints about how commercialized Christmas is. No office parties. No family gatherings. No lighting of Christmas trees. No reading from Luke. No nativity scenes on the table or in front of churches. No presents under the tree. No worrying about what to get for that one person that’s always so hard to buy for. No stockings stuffed with gifts hanging over the fireplace. No choir concerts. No hokey Christmas movies. No Santa. No reindeer. No discussions about whether or not it’s a pagan holiday. No houses lit up with colorful decorations. No mistletoe to stand under and kiss that loved one. No Christmas Eve services. No Messiah sings. No driving through ritzy neighborhoods to look at the lights. No cookie exchanges. No Advent wreaths. No preaching about the Greatest Gift of All….

I’m crying as I write this, because my heart breaks for the unreached people all around us. In times past, people here have been so hungry to know about this forbidden Christ that they begged us to tell them about each decoration in our home — the baby born in the manger, the ever-green unending love of our Savior, each and every ornament lovingly painted with verses and scenes to remind us of the miracles of love He’s done in our family. In fact, one Christmas, 50 people crowded secretly into a tiny room with our family and a local brother to hear the Good News in their own language, and nearly all of them came to Christ!

But this year, the darkness feels heavier. In other areas of the country, it may be different, but here in our corner, many Christians have fled or gone silent because of increased threats. Some have even given up the faith. The ones who boldly love God are under constant pressure. And seekers have been warned not to associate with them.

No one has asked us about Jesus this season, and those we’ve shared with have quickly changed the subject.

Oh, God, please don’t give up on this place. Lift the clouds of darkness here, and invade every heart and home with Your light. Perform signs and miracles. Pursue the lost relentlessly. Visit them in their dreams. Block their paths with Your truth. Bring them face-to-face with the Living God Who loves them and gave His Son to die for them so they can be free. Let them hear that Good News in a way they can easily understand. Make Christians bold, grounded in truth and love, and empowered by Your Spirit to SHINE like lights in the darkness for all to see, drawing all people to Yourself like moths to a flame. Deepen our faith. Give us a hunger to meet together to study Your Word, pray, and worship You, even if it must be in secret, even if we fear for our lives. And if we are brought before the authorities, give us Your words to speak (Matthew 10). Draw every persecutor to his knees in worship of You alone as the One True God. May they see the love, joy, and peace in Christians and long for that. Sustain us, empower us, embolden us, renew our strength, chase out all fear with Your perfect love, and make us wholly Yours. In Your name. Amen.

That is the prayer of my heart this Christmas.

As you gather with your families and worship openly in churches, enjoy every ounce of your freedom. Celebrate Jesus vibrantly. Love others deeply. Help the needy. Forgive that family member who has a grudge against you. Encourage those who slander leaders to pray for and bless them instead. Live your faith out loud. Tell your children about the glorious things God has done in your life. Make together special remembrances of His goodness. Sing of His beauty. Don’t be afraid to let your children see your tears of gratitude and joy, as you read that passage or sing that carol that touches you so deeply. Tell them why it moves you so. As you shop, look for gifts that will make a difference in others’ lives.

And as you celebrate, pray for those like us who cannot be with their families, those like our brothers and sisters here who suffer for their faith, and those like the millions around us who will not know Jesus unless someone tells them.

“Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” How, then, can they call on the One they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the One of Whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”

Romans 10:13-15 niv

Christmas-How does God want to use your family to shine His light-Mikaela Vincent-MoreThanAConquerorBooks
Do you have neighbors from other nations who may never have seen a Christian family celebrate Christmas? Is God asking you to take them a gift or invite them for dinner? Pray He will open up doors for you to share the Good News with the lost this Christmas. And as you shop, look for gifts that will make a lasting difference in others’ lives.

God is bringing the nations to you now. Right there in your neighborhood are people who may not know the truth unless you share with them. Ask the Lord how you can show them His love this Christmas. Pray for their nations.

May He bless you richly as you celebrate His gift of grace.

Mikaela Vincent

For 30 Days of Prayer for Global Awakening, as well as the deep Bible studies and other books (below) on overcoming darkness with Light and walking as one with Christ, visit

30 Days of Prayer for Global Awakening: a guided prayer book for pushing back the darkness and calling on the God of Heaven to flood the Earth with His light. Available at
Christmas-Give your child the gift of knowing God deeper-Out You Go Fear-I Want to See Jesus-I Want a Horse-Mikaela Vincent-MoreThanAConquerorBooks
Christmas-Give each other the gift of oneness-Delight to Be a Woman of Wonder-Dare to Be a Mighty Warrior
Powerful studies for Teens-Delight to Be a Woman of God-Dare to Be a Man of God-Bible study workbook-overcome-freedom-Mikaela Vincent-MoreThanAConquerorBooks
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All proceeds the author receives go to shining Christ’s light in dark corners of the world where few have heard of Christ.
Archives, Christmas

Building memories that last


Welcome to Kingdom Culture Parenting!

This is the first blog on this new website devoted to parents who desire to raise up our children to walk as one with Christ and others (an off-shoot of our Facebook group by the same name). I hope you’ll feel excited and encouraged. Please feel free to share this website with others you know will be blessed.

It’s easy to get caught up in all the activity of the Christmas season, and miss out on the greater things God has planned for your family.

So, before your schedule runs away with you, STOP. Get alone with the Lord, or gather together as a family, and pray, “Lord, what do You want to do this Christmas?” Lay before Him all the events on your schedule in the coming weeks, and ask Him, “Which of these do YOU want us involved in, and how? What plans are we making that are not in Your plans for us?”

Surrender opens up the way for miracles, for joy that only comes through walking in the Spirit, and for the greater, deeper, God-things you and your children were created for.

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Our family serves the Lord in a dark part of the world where few have heard of Christ, and where Christmas isn’t really celebrated. One year, the snow fell so heavily that those who worked on the streets crowded inside to get warm. As we shared God’s love with them, more than 50 came to Christ! What an exciting way for our children to see what it truly means that Jesus is the Light of the World.

Christmas decorations are also a great door-opener for the Gospel, as people ask about the nativity scene, the lights, the ornaments…. We make new ornaments every year featuring the truths God has taught us, and miracles He’s done for our family, so we can remember those stories every year, and share them with those who come into our home.

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One year, our children prayed for God to lead them as they picked out some of their like-new toys, and wrapped them up. Then we took them to an orphanage, where the children wouldn’t have celebrated Christmas otherwise. As our kids played with the children, they asked the Lord which gift was for which child. Then they handed out the presents to those God showed them. What joy on the faces of those children! And what a way for God to lead out in building love and kindness in our children’s hearts.

You may not have those specific opportunities near you like we do, but here are some ideas to pray about:

  • Are there internationals or other lost people in your neighborhood you can invite over, who may not have experienced a Christian celebration of Christmas?
  • Is there a homeless shelter, or a poor neighborhood you can visit with food and presents for the children?
  • Are there singles far from home, or someone else you know who doesn’t have a family to celebrate Christmas with?
  • Is there a nursing home you can visit on your caroling route?
  • Do you have lost family members you can visit for the holidays, or invite to visit you?
  • Are there other ways you can involve your children in shining Christ’s light this Christmas?
  • What presents can you give family members this Christmas that will truly make a difference in their lives? (See some ideas below.)

Ask the Lord. Then step out and obey.

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If you’re looking for gifts to make a difference in the lives of those you care about, check out the Bible studies, prayer journals, novels, and children’s books on walking in oneness with Christ and others at All proceeds the author receives go to shining Christ’s Light in dark corners of the world where few have heard His name.

24 books in 24 days-Christmas presents-Mikaela Vincent-good books for kids-MoreThanAConquerorBooks.jpgI Want a Horse!-Draw My Own Storybook-Give her the gift of a thankful heart and creative mind-Mikaela Vincent-MoreThanAConquerorBooks.jpg

Chronicles of the Kingdom of Light-Rescue from Darkness-Sands of Surrender-good books for kids-Christmas present-Mikaela Vincent-MoreThanAConquerorBooks.jpgChristmas-Give your child the gift of sleeping in peac-Out You Go Fear-Mikaela Vincent-MoreThanAConquerorBooks.jpg

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