Encouragement, listening to God, peace in the storm

Rest Comes Through Surrender

Are you doing more than God has asked you to do? Or are you doing it in your own power? Because if you’re doing either of those things, you’re at risk for burnout, break down, or bursting out in anger at the ones you love.

Take time to breathe. Lay down before the Lord everything you’re busy with. Ask Him which of those He wants you to do, and which are something your own guilt, or someone or something else is driving you to do.

What has God asked you to do that you haven’t done yet?

What’s keeping you from obedience?

What are you doing that He never asked you to do?

And what are you doing in your own power?

Ask Him. Then step out in obedience.

Philippians 4:13, Proverbs 3:5-6, John 5:19, Galatians 1:10

Check out these resources to help put your schedule and your heart back into Jesus’ hands:

DELIGHT TO BE A WOMAN OF WONDER, by Mikaela Vincent: Deep devotional Bible study for overcoming the enemy in the battlefield of the mind

2024 DELIGHT TO BE A WOMAN OF WONDER POWER PLANNER – Day planner, time management schedule organizer for surrendering every day and every plan into Jesus’ hands to make them His and let His Spirit empower you to do more than you could ever have done on your own

For these and other deep devotional Bible studies, day planners and prayer journals on walking as one with Christ and overcoming the enemy, visit MoreThanAConquerorBooks.com.

Mikaela Vincent and her husband are missionaries who live by faith, trusting in God to provide for their needs as they pray for and share Christ with the nations. If you would like to help their ministry through a donation, or by shopping at Mikaela’s online bookstore, click the buttons below:

Any proceeds this author receives from the sale of the deep devotional Bible studies and other MoreThanAConquerorBooks.com books mentioned in this post go to shining Christ’s light in the darkness and seeing the nations come to Him. 

But please ignore unrelated advertisements WordPress places here. The author has not approved those links and does not receive any money from them. 

Thank you for your support! If you have any questions or want to help with this ministry, please contact Mikaela.

Christian parenting, Easter - Resurrection Day, more than a conqueror, victory strategy

His Resurrection Power Is Real

It’s easy to think that because I can’t seem to break free from these debilitating thought processes or this habitual sin, because I keep reacting the same way over and over again, that I can’t be free.

That this is just the way I am.

That I’ll just have to live and die with this mess in me.

In light of all Christ did for us on the cross, DYING for that sin, and rising from the grave to prove that nothing is impossible for Himdo you still really believe He can’t set you free?

Just because you haven’t experienced it quite the way you thought you would yet?

Truth is truth, whether you believe it or not.

Jesus can and will set you free, if you let Him.

How do I know?

Because I’m living it! He has set me free from more than 30 strongholds, and even now, He’s in the midst of freeing me from yet another.

Just because you haven’t experienced it yet doesn’t mean Jesus lied. It just means you have the most excellent of adventures awaiting you.

He is already here.

He always has been.

Always will be.

His covenant of love still stands.

So now, take up your side of the covenant.

Lay down every idol that takes up your time, energy and thoughts, and surrender to the only One worthy of your worship.

Lay down every lie and decide today you will believe the One whose name is Truth.

And let Him set you free.

Maybe you’ve thought your stronghold is “normal,” that “everyone struggles with that,” or “that’s not so bad. It’s not really a sin if I can’t help it, right? It’s just the way God made me.”

No! God did not make you sin! 

He did not make you believe those lies that lead you to sin. 

He did not perpetuate those thoughts that keep winding around in your head taking you to dangerous places. 

Those thoughts, those sins are from the pit of hell. They are precisely what Truth came to set you free from. John 8:31-32, 42-47.

So let Him.

Maybe you’ve thought, “But I don’t know how. I keep trying to not do that, not think that. But I keep doing it anyway. Again and again.”

Precisely. If your will alone was enough to make you do the right thing all the time, you wouldn’t need a Savior.

Your will isn’t strong enough to set you free.

You need Someone stronger.

Jesus knows exactly the journey to take you on for your freedom. He may do it overnight, or He may journey you through many years of consistently seeking Him and walking into deeper and deeper depths with Him through all the more surrender day by day.

But that’s what this life is for.

To know the Truth who sets you free.

Don’t waste this life.

LIVE it in the power of the One who died to set you free.

He has the perfect journey to freedom designed just for you. Your story will be different than mine. But if you want some very practical, biblical, tried-and-true steps to help you on that journey, they are here, in these books we’ve been studying in our Group Bible Study:

DARE TO BE A MIGHTY WARRIOR (for men), and DELIGHT TO BE A WOMAN OF WONDER (for women, so husbands and wives can study together), at MoreThanAConquerorBooks.com

100 tactical spiritual warfare strategies for overcoming the enemy in the battlefield of the mind, removing the barriers to oneness with Christ and others, breaking free from strongholds, and opening the way for your children also to be free

Don’t wait another day to start your journey to freedom. 

Your spouse, your children, and you need your freedom now!

Bible studies for teens, Bible studies for tweens, Christian parenting, family, Kingdom Culture Kids

Help Your Children Know the Truth and Defeat Satan’s Lies

Now, more than ever before, our children need Jesus!

With so much fear, uncertainty and temptations facing our young people in ways you and I may not have even experienced, we MUST make sure our kids know early on the Voice of Truth, and follow ONLY that Voice all the days of their lives.

Satan comes to kill, steal and destroy, but Christ came so both you and your children can have LIFE. Abundantly! John 10:10.

Whatever has been holding you back from discipling your children, set those excuses aside now. Start today paving the way for a pure and protected future for your little ones’ hearts.

LISTEN TO ME: Heart Talks with Jesus is a powerful read-aloud prayer devotional to do together with your children ages 4-8 (and the whole family!) to help them recognize God’s voice and conquer lies with truth. Included is the plan of salvation to lead your children to Christ, and suggestions for helping your kids to freedom from trauma.

Family read-aloud prayer devotional

OUT YOU GO, FEAR! offers practical steps to freedom from fear and night terrors for ages 4-8. Many mothers have said that after just one read-through, their little ones were able to sleep peacefully from then on

Help kids to freedom from fear

1-2-3 WALK IN STEP WITH ME is a deep Bible study activity workbook to help children know the King who created them for His very special purposes, let His love transform them, and let His love in them transform the world around them

Bible study ages 8-12

Look for other Pure-As-Gold Seal children’s books — including truth-packed chapter books like these below — to make a difference in your children’s lives at MoreThanAConquerorBooks.com.

victory strategy

#6 Let Jesus Take the Lead

Galatians 5:22-25; Hebrews 10:14; John 14:1-3

If you’ve been dancing to Satan’s tune in certain areas of your life since childhood, you may need to learn some new steps. And unlearning old habits isn’t easy.

But once you get the hang of grabbing Jesus’ hand and letting Him take the lead, it’s all a glorious Cinderella story from here on out! 

He calls you beautiful, perfect, because that is who you are in Him. Song of Songs 4:7, Hebrews 10:14. If you’re willing, He will trample your old lie slave master, take you in His arms, and dance you all the way to that castle He’s prepared for you in glory. John 14:1-3, Revelation 7:15-17.

It’s not a fairy tale. This love beyond measure is what you were created for. And as perfect as it will be in Heaven, His love is no less glorious here on earth.

In fact, this is your time right now to get to know Him as Savior, Healer, Rescuer, Protector, and all His beautiful names, because once you get to Heaven, there will be no more battles, illness, or evil for Him to rescue you from.

So, grab His hand, let Him take the lead, and waltz into oneness with Him. 

This is where Heaven meets earth. Right now in your trying life and difficult circumstances. Right here in His loving, powerful arms.

Practice with Purpose

Close your eyes. Ask the Lord to show you a picture of you dancing with Him through the circumstances you’re in right now. Are there new steps you need to learn? Old ones you need to stop doing? Ask him. Let Him draw you near and teach you step by step how to go through life and trials as one with Him.

From Delight to Be a Woman of God and Dare to Be a Man of God, devotional Bible studies on removing the barriers to oneness with Christ and others, and conqueroring over the enemy in the battlefield of the mind. Available at MoreThanAConquerorBooks.com.

If you would like a guided prayer journal, with steps to freedom from sin strongholds and negative thought processes, try the Delight to Be a Woman of Wonder Prayer Journal (for women) or Dare to Be a Mighty Warrior Prayer Journal (for men).

For discussion in the comments:

  • What habits are you hanging onto, trying to balance being a Christian, but retaining those old ways you don’t want to give up?
  • What “tune” have you been “dancing” to lately?
  • Are there any “old moves” you need to replace with new ones?
  • What will it take for you to step into Jesus’ arms, and let Him take the lead in every area of your life, so you can have your joy back?
  • What are you doing to help your children fall in love with the Lord, so they will let Him take the lead?
  • To help our children grab onto Christ and hold tightly to Him the rest of their lives, we must model for them what it looks like to let go. What do you need to let go of this week?
  • What has taken higher priority in your life than Christ?
  • What feelings, emotions, people, etc., have you let control you instead of the Holy Spirit?