victory strategy

#3 Know Why We Are at War

Ephesians 6:10-20; Revelation 12; Hebrews 10:14

When Satan, formerly an angel in God’s service, proudly waged war against the Most High, he and his followers were thrown out of Heaven.

Now, because God lovingly created each of us for relationship with Him, Satan and his demons wage war against us to draw us away from that love. Revelation 12.

A dreadful tale, especially for those of us who have felt the heat of Satan’s anger. But our enemy actually is already defeated. The trials you experience now, in some respects, are just the tail thrashing about after the serpent’s head has been cut off. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4, 20-23, 51-58.

So, if Jesus has already won the victory through His death and resurrection, why are we still fighting?

Because we are in the process of “being made holy.” Hebrews 10:14.

You aren’t here on earth to be comfortable, make an empire for yourself, get everyone to like you, or do what you want. You’re here to draw near to God and to influence others to do the same.

This time we have on earth is training ground. It’s where we experience God’s character, love, grace, holiness, and power; and make choices moment-by-moment about what or whom we will love and serve. Those who choose Christ and endure to the end receive the prize. Hebrews 12:1-3.

If we were all mindless robots serving God because we had to, there would be no fight, no reason for Satan to bother us. In fact, we wouldn’t exist at all. Because God is Almighty, All-powerful, He doesn’t need to create a bunch of people to do something for Him. He can do anything. Rather, He created us for relationship, to love Him, enjoy Him, and draw others into that love.

Those who don’t choose God’s side don’t get to skip the fight; they just miss out on the joy and peace that come from going through each battle in Christ’s empowering. Exodus 14:14.

Practice with Purpose

In what ways have you recognized you are in a battle between light and darkness?

In your quiet time today, write in your journal a letter to your King, recommitting your fealty to Him.

From Delight to Be a Woman of God and Dare to Be a Man of God, devotional Bible studies on removing the barriers to oneness with Christ and others, and conqueroring over the enemy in the battlefield of the mind. Available at

If you would like a guided prayer journal, with steps to freedom from sin strongholds and negative thought processes, try the Delight to Be a Woman of Wonder Prayer Journal (for women) or Dare to Be a Mighty Warrior Prayer Journal (for men).

For discussion in the comments …

  1. What trials are you going through now? What verses or truths has God given you to overcome?
  2. Read Romans 8:14-39. What does this mean to you, especially with regard to what your family is going through right now? 
  3. What are some ways God is calling you into greater oneness with Him? How will that affect your family?
  4. The enemy’s main aim is to keep us from oneness with Christ. How have you been letting the enemy win?
  5. How has the enemy been using you to increase dissension in your marriage? What is God asking you to do to turn that battle around? 

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