Christian parenting, listening to God

Time for What Matters

Do you feel like you’re serving God and everybody, but haven’t had time rest in Him, to sit at His feet and listen?

Your Heavenly Husband didn’t call you to be His bride because He wanted a slave. He wants relationship. He loves you. Jesus has so many sweet, beautiful, amazing adventures planned for you to enjoy together. Even times of rest.

But if you’re too busy to enjoy Him, to listen to His heart, to feel His touch, … you’ll miss out on what all this is for.

And you’ll lose a lot of battles. Because He’s the King Who rescues you, Who empowers you, Who arms you, Who trains you for war, Who protects you, Who gives you just the instructions you need to overcome. Psalm 18.

You need Him. Desperately.

I know what it’s like to be a busy mom, especially with more than one baby at once. I needed Jesus desperately, but my body yelled SLEEP! every time I crawled into a corner to be with Him.

But I found that if I guarded that time, He did too. And even when it got run over by sweet little feet, He would give me an extra special time with Him the next day, or He would speak to me all throughout the day, or in my dreams.

Just know, this God Who loves you and pursues you SEES you. He knows all the things you’re juggling and struggling with, and He cares. He wants to step in and do them with you, for you, through you. You’re not meant to raise these little ones on your own. But together with the One Who gave them to you.

Hosea 2:14+, James 4:8, Deuteronomy 32:10, John 14:15, John 5:19, Matthew 22:37-40

— to the bride of Christ, from the One Who has loved her since before time began

Mikaela Vincent and her husband are missionaries who live by faith, trusting in God to provide for their needs as they pray for and share Christ with the nations. If you would like to help their ministry through a donation, or by finding gifts for those you love at Mikaela’s online bookstore, click the buttons below:

Purposeful time alone with God makes all the difference in how well you weather the storms ahead and influence your children to walk as one with Christ and others.

For the deep devotional Bible study for women on covering your family in prayer and breaking free from anxiety and other strongholds, Delight to Be a Woman of Wonder, as well as the accompanying Prayer Journal and Power Planner, visit

Delight to Be a Woman of Wonder – deep devotional Bible study for overcoming the enemy and tearing down the barriers to oneness with Christ and others
Delight to Be a Woman of Wonder Prayer Journal – guided conversations with the King for freedom from anxiety and other strongholds, accompanies the Delight to Be a Woman of Wonder devotional Bible study
Delight to Be a Woman of Wonder Power Planner – an undated day planner for building a life-time habit of walking in Christ’s leadership and power moment-by-moment, accompanies the Delight to Be a Woman of Wonder devotional Bible study

If you’d like to help your children draw near to God and practice inviting Him into every circumstance and difficulty all throughout the day, we highly recommend Listen to Me: Heart Talks with Jesus prayer devotional packed with questions to recognize God’s voice, questions to ask Him, and steps to healing from trauma and fear. An accompanying Listen to Me Prayer Journal helps kids process what God is teaching them through the devotional, and the Every Day with Jesus Prayer Journal diary helps them get in the habit of seeking God every morning and inviting Him to guide them throughout the day.

Family read-aloud prayer devotional
Prayer Journal for Listen to Me
Daily Diary for adventures with Jesus

For more deep Bible study workbooks, Pure-As-Gold Seal novels and homeschool Bible curriculum for all ages, visit

When you click on links in this post that take you to Amazon, as a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, I may receive a small commission for certain purchases. 

Any proceeds this author receives from the sale of the deep devotional Bible studies and other books mentioned in this post go to shining Christ’s light in the darkness and seeing the nations come to Him. 

Thank you for your support! If you have any questions or want to help with this ministry, please contact Mikaela.

Christian parenting, Encouragement, family, prayer

God Longs for You

When my kids were babies, I was constantly exhausted, without time to even think a thought of my own. Wiping tears and bottoms all day, a sharp pain had begun in my stomach — the beginning of an ulcer.

I desperately needed help. I needed GOD.

So, I asked others to please help me guard one hour a day, while the kids took their nap (because at night I was too exhausted, and in the morning the kids would wake up as soon as I stepped out of bed).

And I guarded it too. I didn’t do anything else during that time but sit still before the Lord. No cleaning. No emails. No talking to anyone else. Nothing but God.

Day after day, miraculously the children slept at the same time. (Those of you with more than one baby know exactly what I mean about that being miraculous!) And on the days when they didn’t, miraculously the next day they would sleep at the same time for TWO HOURS!

You see, more than my longing for God, He longed for me. And as I made the desperate choice to guard my time with Him, He guarded it for me.

For Delight to Be a Woman of Wonder, the men’s version Dare to Be a Mighty Warrior, and more books on walking in Christ’s power to love and parent well, visit