
Let God Be Your Time Manager

Do you feel overwhelmed? Like every day is a bit more than you can handle?

Stop running through your days, and run into God’s ways!

If you’re doing more than He has asked you, or you’re doing it in your own power rather than through His Spirit’s leading in you, then you will burn out.

Look up. Take a few moments each day to ask the Lord what HE wants to do that day and to guide you through it. Look for where He’s moving, and move there with Him. You will be astounded at the things you never knew could be accomplished, and yet with God all things are possible.

You truly can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.

If you want to get a handle on your schedule such that God is once again the One in charge, this is the day planner for you!

By Mikaela Vincent
This 365-day planner offers space daily to write what God is speaking over your day, then follow His schedule and leadership, and write at the end of the day what you saw Him do. It also offers monthly and yearly planning sessions with the Lord.

He’s calling you now, “Come walk with Me.” So, will you?

Mikaela Vincent and her husband are missionaries who live by faith, trusting in God to provide for their needs as they pray for and share Christ with the nations. If you would like to help their ministry through a donation, or by finding gifts for those you love at Mikaela’s online bookstore, click the buttons below:

For the deep devotional Bible study for women on covering your family in prayer and breaking free from anxiety and other strongholds, Delight to Be a Woman of Wonder, as well as the accompanying Prayer Journal and Power Planner, visit

Delight to Be a Woman of Wonder – deep devotional Bible study for overcoming the enemy and tearing down the barriers to oneness with Christ and others
Delight to Be a Woman of Wonder Prayer Journal – guided conversations with the King for freedom from anxiety and other strongholds, accompanies the Delight to Be a Woman of Wonder devotional Bible study
Delight to Be a Woman of Wonder Power Planner – an undated day planner for building a life-time habit of walking in Christ’s leadership and power moment-by-moment, accompanies the Delight to Be a Woman of Wonder devotional Bible study

For more deep Bible study workbooks, Pure-As-Gold Seal novels and homeschool Bible curriculum for all ages, visit

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Any proceeds this author receives from the sale of the deep devotional Bible studies and other books mentioned in this post go to shining Christ’s light in the darkness and seeing the nations come to Him. 

Thank you for your support! If you have any questions or want to help with this ministry, please contact Mikaela.

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